Vivian McNeil

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  • Vivian McNeil


UTI Signs, Symptoms, & Antibiotic Treatment For The Elderly

“Wake up! Please wake,” I screamed. There was no response from my otherwise lucid and active Dad. “Let’s take him to the doctor, he has...

Keeping Busy In Retirement

“What do you need that for?” “This brand is cheaper” “Please read this label the lettering is too small” I hope these phrases don’t sound...

Can Family Members Be a Paid Senior Caregiver?

It’s so amazing the devotion that paid caregivers provide for their clients. My cousin is a caregiver who works through an agency. No matter if...

Overcoming Acute Pain Through Virtual Reality

Novel Approaches to Overcoming Acute Pain Walking down the street, strolling in the mall or driving in my car, I am still amazed at the...

Successful Aging Through Art

What do Claude Monet, Anna Moses, Eliot Carter, and Frank Lloyd Wright have in common? You likely have heard of these names if you are...

Do You Remember When? Person Centered Memory Care

How can we keep our loved ones occupied, stimulated and creative even while they are having memory related issues? It is extremely important to keep...

Adult Day Care – Comfort For The Senior & The Caregiver

Handwriting analysis, floral design, a trip to Manhattan, or a demonstration by a gourmet chef- what do all these activities have in common? Once a...

Senior Turbulence In The Skies – Traveling With An Elderly Parent

This is an informal description of an interview that could have taken place with Judy’s son, Herbert. The account and facts are genuine. Please tell...

Give Me Dignity or Give Me Death

Patrick Henry called the controlling forces of the English Government , The Intolerable Acts. He then went on to give his famous history changing speech, “Give...

Benefits of Technology for Seniors

With a global economy being run on mobile devices many seniors are on the outside peering in. Similar to a junior engineer trying to diagnose...